Saturday, November 25, 2006

Welcome Caitlyn Joy!

Caitlyn Joy Wilson joined our family in the wee hours of Saturday November 18th, at 2:25 am. We had our first experience of a homebirth and stand in awe of God's glory and grace. After a long labor, because she was posterior (face up), she entered the world with no interventions and we watched her begin life the way God intended it. We chose not to let the Dr. cut the cord until it stopped pulsing, as this allows oxygen to continue to feed her. This also enabled her to lay on my chest, not being rubbed vigorously made to cry, not having a suction shoved down her nose and throat. But instead, she lay there peacefully, becoming stronger by the minute working things out on her own, with the strength God has given her. We all watched as she turned pink and was bright eyed, ready to face the world. Because she wasn't suctioned, she was able to be very successful in breastfeeding from the very beginning. Mom Robertson was supossed to join us and assist in the homebirth experience, but Caiytlyn was in too much of a hurry to wait for mom's arrival. Since none of our children arrived early we figured with a due date of 11/28, mom's arrival on 11/23 would be just fine. Well, Caitlyn proved us wrong, and arrived 10 days early! But, when we were having trouble during labor and not sure what to do, we were able to call mom and she told us excatly what to do. She was a tremendous help and I am so thankful for her help, even if it was across the world. Our smallest baby yet, she weighed 3kg, 6lbs 4oz, and was 20 inches long.

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