Saturday, November 11, 2006

You like the dentist??

So, you know you found a winning dentist when your son says "Yeah, I like the dentist!" when you tell him of an appointment that day. Bizzarre as it may seem I can sort of understand why. You see, they put you in the chair but then they sweet talk you while putting on sunglasses so as not to ge the bright light in your eyes, and then they put on one of your favorite movies to watch while they clean your teeth. Only thing is when they try and educate the child about brushing or whatever else dentists teach, he has no idea they are talking to him because he is lost in Ice Age 2! I finally told her to turn the movie off when she wants to tell him something. Then we found he has a small cavity in one of his molars, so we needed to fil it. She said today was good because he is so intense with the movie. Alright, I agreed. The picture above is Aaron, despite what it looks like, extremely relaxed and totally oblivious that he is getting a HUGE NEEDLE injected into his gums! This was completely amazing to me! And personally, I didn't think the movie was all that great to begin with.

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