Tuesday, May 26, 2009

It didn't take long for the boys to love campfires! Especially when campfires usually mean s'mores!! We have had 3 fires already and I see many more in the future. What I love is the conversations that start around the fire. Ethan has asked some great questions for his age. Like, "Mom, how does the moon change shape? , but what i really loved was when he started singing "This little light of mine"!! So, the things we do and say really do sink in sometimes, thank you Lord.
Have I mentioned how much I love the country!?


carebear7951 said...

Awesome! But aren't y'all hot in all those clothes?? ;)

Six Wilsons said...

It was actually really cold yesterday! It got down to 40's last night. Bbbrrrrr

Four Buttons said...

I love camp fires too! I grew up with campfires and yes the conversation is always interesting. For some reason, people's real selves come out in front of a fire and they really open up about what's on their minds. Crazy phenomenon, but must be so enjoyable for you all! I think we need to plan a buttons to ny trip sometime in the future!!

Six Wilsons said...

Yes, a Button trip to NY would be amazing! An oppertunity you do not want to pass up! :-)

I don't know what it is about fire, but we grew up having camfires, and I still love them. So warm both physically and emotionally.

Miss you Linds!