Tuesday, May 22, 2007

A welcome friend

The boys call him Mr. Peter. He is someone dear to our hearts for sure. He and his wife, Eileen, were extremely kind to us and the boys when we first arrived to Singapore. Peter worked for Welch Allyn and was leaving for the states, Steve was taking over his role in the Singapore office. During the process of their leaving and our coming, they showed us the ropes of living in Singapore as well as providing a sense of family and belonging here. We are forever greatful for this! They gave us many of the necessaties for the house as they were cleaning out, this was such a great help! Eileen also introduced me to many cool book shops and other places to get great bargains, like Diasu, a Japanese $2 shop where you can get the coolest plates. Peter comes to Singapore every few months and visits the boys and has dinner with us. This time he brought back flashlights for them which was a big hit!
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