Tuesday, October 16, 2007


In one word, that's what 3 hours of my day was like. Oddly peaqceful. Aaron and Ethan visited their school today. I stayed to sneak peaks at them throughout the morning, and also had a meeting with some of Ryan's teachers, so by the time I got home, 3 hours were left. It was oddly quiet, but I could definately get used to it. Ya know, by the time they got home I felt totally rejuvinated to take them on and hear about their days, do homework ect ect. I had some great time with Caitlyn, just me and my baby girl. It was surreal. I can't help but feel slightly guilty when I dream about Monday morning when they will all go again and I have the entire day like that again. The sleep I will catch up on, more one on one time with Cate, and study without interuptions. But I am sure the novelty will wear off and I will want the noise and craziness of them all back for the day. The cometitions at the lunch table of who can eat the fastest, or silly stories that you have no idea if they will ever end, or the jokes they come up with that you pretend to think are funny. The boy noises, gross questions, messes, and rocks collected on our nature walks. I haven't had just one in the house for 7 yrs. Teaching them and watching them discover was often the best part of my day. Seasons. They come and go. Yes, I know that just because they are gone for a time during the day doesn't meanI won't get to see those things again. The are boys afterall, and full of energy and life! Dinner is just the same, if not more so since now all 3 of them will have silly stories from school. Nature walks will be relished for weekends and days off.

1 comment:

carebear7951 said...

can i just say i'm jealous??? kind of...just heard some things lately that confirm it-my children will always be h/s'ed