Sunday, November 02, 2008

I haven't updated much on our move and house search, I know. Part of it has been due to the illnesses and craziness that comes with that. But a bigger part is due to the uncertainty of it all. I started composing a post about our nbew house, but never finished it. Now I am glad I didn't. We had a house we loved, and through a series of events and much prayer, we put a purchase on what I have called My Dream House for the past 5 yrs! What's not to be excited about right!??? Well, I did talk about it and dream about the spaces, ect, but I always felt inwardly that I needed to gaurd my heart until all the paperwork was finished and we closed on the set date of Dec 1st. I couldn't imagine that anything would go worng. I mean, it seemed that God was lining everything up and this was the house He has set apart for us. So, what's to worry about? This past Tues we had the inspection and decided to do a Radon test, much to our realtors dismay (which we thought was weird). We recieved the results, which at first seemed great. But, then, that's when we got the worst news we could have ever recieved. The radon test. The radon levels are 20 times the legal limit!!! :-O This is big, I mean, HUGE!! This is not like a leaky pipe or an electrical outlet that needs to be fixed or even a crack in the tile flooring. We are talking about the long term health of our children and our family! Come-on, I don't even let the children drink milk due to the hormones and antibiotics, you think I will allow them to be in a house that needs 4 (yes, you read that right, 4) mitigation systems!? Right, NO!!! [-X I mean, this is cancer causing stuff! Being radioactive is not one of those things that you want to brag about these days. So, as you can imagine, we decided not to go through with the purchase of the house. Three weeks before we are due to fly out, we have no house. I am okay with it, really. At first I was really upset, not about losing my house, but about the uncertainty of it all. Where will we go, do we buy or build, having to rent and move again in 6-9 mo. etc. But, I talked it out with Steve and my dad extensively and prayed alot and am doing much better now. Steve left for the states this morning. He will see a few building sites and a house that's in the final stages of building. Hopefully we will have a better idea of what God has for us. The best news is God is still in control!! :)


carebear7951 said...


Candice said...

Yikes, that is tough! We completely understand having done the same thing recently. Luckily our radon test passed. You are in our prayers!