Thursday, December 18, 2008

Guilty as Charged!

Posted by PicasaI wrote a post back in the summer about Caitlyn's quiet behavior, even when supposedly sleeping, and am back to write about it again. I am always a fan of a child resting during naptime, even when they can't actually sleep. She's young, and I need the one on one time with the children for school. I knew she was awake in her room, and not sleeping today, but had a relapse in memory somehow. I blocked out the time she had colored all over herself during a time she was to be napping. She did it again! 1 1/2 hrs later I here her complaining to come out and play, so I decide it's been long enough and go in to greet her with a "mama missed you" kindof smile, only to have it fade and be quickly replaced with shock. She found a drawer with Sharpie markers in it, along with a pink highlighter! Needless to say, the crib, her body, blankets and cabinets next to her were all graffitied by a known artist named Caitlyn.


Gina Marie said...

Ethan did that with a red sharpie when I left him with my maid once many years ago. And another time he used red and orange crayola markers to completely color his pale yellow blanket. Thankfully that all washed out.

Hairspray will get marker out if you're having any trouble (believe, I know, I've used it many times).

carebear7951 said...

lol wendy!!! I know it's funnier from where I sit...but so darn cute is the look on that little face!!!!!

carebear7951 said...

Wendy, Harold and I just had a good laugh. Harold saw just Cate's face on the sharpie incident post...and (not knowing the nature of the post) he says "awwwwwww" then I scrolled down and he was like "woah"! LOL